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We have always suspected that the 450D has
在DPreview测试D90 VS 450D的文章里,jpeg的对比后,原文中的结论如下:
As we saw with the comparison to the D80 (itself not the sharpest camera in the cupboard), the D90's default output is very soft, having had very low levels of sharpening applied. Canon, meanwhile, takes the opposite approach, delivering very crisp (and contrasty) images at its default setting. Other than that, there's little to choose between the two. Comparing the two in RAW will show how much underlying difference there is, once you scrape away the manufacturers' image processing decisions.
Having seen how much sharper the RAW results are than the default JPEG output, it comes as no surprise to find that the difference between the 450D and the D90 evaporates when processed in the same manner. We have always suspected that the 450D has quite a light anti-aliasing filter and this is supported by looking at the medals on the third crop - there is a smidgen more detail than the D90. But think back to the JPEG and there was also a hint of color moiré (the frequency of the pattern on the bottle interfering with the spacial frequency of the photosites on the sensor - precisely what an AA filter aims to reduce). And that appears to be the only difference.
彩色摩尔纹的问题仅仅在拍布料?搞笑,这就是大师的意见?但凡细节很多的地方,如果抗混叠处理不当,都有可能产生类似摩尔纹的彩色混叠干扰,学过乃奎斯特定律的都知道这一点,就这篇测试文章指出的那个有彩色摩尔纹的场景也是拍的一个徽章而不是布料,并且文章也给出了彩色摩尔纹的一个界定性的解释---the frequency of the pattern on the bottle interfering with the spacial frequency of the photosites on the sensor 。如果真的不重要,为什么要在感光器件之后加抗混叠处理?450D的抗混叠处理比较轻微,虽然这个是推测,但是从这个测试来看,这个推测是有成立的理由的。至于是不是真的,我想这个应该是每个人自己看完这个文章之后自己去判断的,没必要你我跳出来说这个就是真的或者这个就是假的,大家自己自有判断。
default output very soft,难道喜欢不那么very soft的就不会稍微调调?当然,你会说450D也可以调,没问题,当然可以调,我也不像您这位大师一样非要说xx机器是怎么怎么差,450D确实本身是很不错的机器,下面是D90 RAW直接转JPEG,和机内直出都用的是同样的尼康的算法,效果是一样的,那么看看用“风景”模式(原锐度值设置为4)将锐度值调到6,还是不是very soft?
上图一样的直接转换成JPEG ,100%截图。
default output very soft,难道喜欢不那么very soft的就不会稍微调调?当然,你会说450D也可以调,没问题,当然可以调,我也不像您这位大师一样非要说xx机器是怎么怎么差,450D确实本身是很不错的机器,下面是D90 RAW直接转JPEG,和机内直出都用的是同样的尼康的算法,效果是一样的,那么看看用“风景”模式(原锐度值设置为4)将锐度值调到6,还是不是very soft?