////I don’t know how does the house looks like before. /////////////But I know the old is not able to rebuild by himself.
////I don’t know how many schools collapsed. /////But I know at that time many classrooms were full of students.
////I don’t know why here is a schoolbage. /////////////But I know it must belong to one child.
//////I don’t know whether this mother saw her child still alive finally. But I know the child is the treasure of every family.
///////I don’t know when was this child found already dead. But I know this mother has already been crying here for a long time.
//I don’t know how many people are still under the ruins. ///////////////////////////But I know most of them will not survive.
///I don’t know under the ruin the hands belong to a girl or boy. /////But I know the hands are eager to touch her or his parents again.
//I don’t know what is time now. ///////But I know it is a horrible time.
////I don’t know the exact reason why they embraced tightly. /////////////////////////////////But I know there must be some reason.
/////I don’t know what is the man looking for. ///////////////////But I know the possibility is quite low.