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Welta Weltur
Here's a camera I really like, and like to shoot… whether in 6x9 or 6x6/6x4.5. Ironically, the best ones were made before WW II. They are fitted usually with Compur or Compur-Rapid shutters and usually carry Zeiss Tessars or Triotar lenses, both exceptionally good.
Being a pre-1949 camera it also means that the lenses are uncoated, which is NOT a big concern, especially if you are shooting B&W. But even with color, I noticed no lack of brilliance or contrast… you gotta use a lens hood! In fact, check out the boat picture by the Weltur 6x9 w/ Triotar lens. I enlarged this to 24x30 and hangs in our breakfast room. Really awesome results!
The Weltur cameras are unique in that they have an excellent coupled rangefinder which moves the whole lens assembly to focus, not just the front element. Everyone who has used this camera has praised its design and optics. It is "pre-war German quality" - an easy match for Zeiss or anyone else. Unfortunately, the Welturs were not made after WW II and Welta quality was not quite the same as before.
The Weltur is a series of rangefinder folding cameras using 120 film, made in the 1930s by the German company Welta. The lens is unit focused, driven by a small knob at one side of the folding bed, a system which was already used in the earlier Solida model. The distance setting is visible in a small window on the interior of the folding bed. The rangefinder is coupled, and combined with the viewfinder. There is a depth of field table on the top plate, and a body release.
The Weltur first existed in a 4.5×6 version, with a black finish. Then it was released in 4.5×6, 6×6 and 6×9 versions with a chrome rangefinder, looking like the rangefinder of the first Weltini model. The 6×6 and 6×9 versions are dual format and can also take 4.5×6 pictures, with a mask inserted in the exposure chamber and another slid in front of the viewfinder. They have two red windows on the back.
Lens/shutter combinations:
Weltur 4.5×6 black:
Schneider Radionar 75/2.9 & Compur
Schneider Xenar 75/2.8 & Compur-Rapid
Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar 7.5cm/2.8 & Compur-Rapid
Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar 8cm/2.8 & Compur-Rapid
Weltur 4.5×6 chrome:
Schneider Xenar 7.5cm/2.8 & Compur-Rapid
Weltur 6×6:
Schneider Xenar 75/2.8 & Compur-Rapid
Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar 75/2.8 & Compur
Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar 75/2.8 & Compur-Rapid
Weltur 6×9:
Schneider Xenar 105/3.8 & Compur-Rapid
Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar 10.5cm/4.5 & Compur-Rapid
In all cases, the Compur shutter goes to 1/250 and the Compur-Rapid to 1/400.
The Welta Solida is a combined 6×9cm and 6x4.5cm folding camera released in 1933. It has a coupled rangefinder, separate from the telescopic reverse Galilean viewfinder, in a long rectangular black box. It also has a brilliant finder on the lens standard. The lens is focused by moving the lens panel, driven by a small knob in one side of the folding bed, thus making the camera a mixture of self-erecting folding camera and a folding bed camera. This system was continued in the later Weltur series. The winding is by key, and there is no double exposure prevention. The Solida is dual format, having the ability to take 4.5×6 exposures with a mask inserted in the exposure chamber and a switchable mask built in to the viewfinder.
Known lens/shutter combinations:
Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar 105/4.5 & Compur 250
Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar 105/4.5 & Compur-Rapid 400
Schneider-Kreuznach Radionar f:4.5 F=10.5cm & Compur-Rapid 400
In all cases, the Compur shutter goes to 1/250 and the Compur-Rapid to 1/400.